Legends | ||
Padernello The true story of the "White Lady" of Gian Mario Andrico It was 15th century. One of those years, as it was flowing away, had given birth to a sweet creature. She was the daughter of Count Gaspare Martinengo, one of the two heirs of that Antonio I Martinengo who was enfeoffed of the lands of Gabbiano on March 7, 1443. This was the reward that the Venetian Republic benevolently offered to the leader for his services and military successes. to be continued | |||
![]() | Gorzone, Boario Terme The sharp well of Gorzone of Gian Mario Andrico Let us begin by narrating from a story by Renzo Bresciani, published forty years ago (1980) in the volume "Brescia nell'obiettivo di Fausto Schena", under the heading "Valcamonica", a valley that "can offer you a “pitoto” carved into the living rock by mysterious hands, and then reveal to you the pious blasphemy of the Calvary of Cerveno, or the grim profile of a castle in Garzone..." to be continued | ||
![]() | Soncino the legend of the two towers of Anna Martinenghi Don't call me a castle. I am female. Female without frills and without a crown. Made for warriors, not for kings. My walls are as solid as the hips of a woman who knows how to use them, my towers stare at you questioningly, my belly holds spears, arrows and catapults. I don't know what to do with blue princes and happily ever after.... to be continued | ||
Pandino "Mario Marius Stroppa" of Alvaro Mario Ferlenghi Ruzante is the name they gave me but, I wanted to be called Mario. And now that I am a ghost, to hose who ask me my name I answer, in fact, Mario. I am restless, always looking for things to do. But after sixty years I don't have much to discover in the Pandino castle, of which I know each stone, wood, crevice and hiding place. But I'm fond of it. ... to be continued | |||
![]() | Lonato del Garda gli Otisi nella Casa del Podestà di Hans Fattbein Se l’ingratitudine è in ogni contingenza della vita la più odiosa delle umane imperfezioni, ben a ragione puossi affermare che essa discende al livello di vero e proprio delitto, allorchè, ridonato che sia ad un uomo al massimo d’ogni bene egli dimentichi o disconosca chi glielo procurava, e invece di aprirgli i tesori dell’animo suo, glieli chiuda dinanzi freddo ... continua a leggere | ||
Bornato la leggenda di Bianca e Adalberto di Massimo Lanzini A volte sembra farsi annunciare cupa dal rombo lontano del temporale, che dall’imbuto di cielo sopra Sarnico rotola giù fin dentro la valle di Calino. Quasi a rievocare il tuono delle bombarde che in quell’estate del 1438 segnava l’avvicinarsi minaccioso delle soldataglie dei Visconti. A volte invece preferisce aleggiare giocosa assieme al refolo di vento che ... continua a leggere | |||